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Tuesday Club

Tuesday Club is a friendship group that meets in the library on the first Tuesday afternoon each month. Sadly we are very over-subscribed for this club currently, but you can ask in the library for you name and contact details to be put on the list of potential members.

Each month Jan Flamank gives a very interesting nature talk - she covers a huge variety of topics.

Nature Notes

Below are some nature articles that Jan Flamank has produced for everyone to enjoy. Each article is available as a downloadable pdf version too.

graphic representing the four seasons, highlighting summer

Nature Notes © Jan Flamank. All rights reserved. Images used in the documents have been sourced free for use in this social, educational, non-commercial setting.

STAND was formed in 2013 after Sheffield City Council announced its decision to close sixteen libraries (including Stannington) unless volunteers took them on. STAND was registered as a charity in 2014 and is funded by grants, donations and fund-raising activities. The library is run by a team of dedicated volunteers.