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Here is Jan Flamank's Nature Quiz for December 2020 - answers will be published in January 2021. Click on the photo collage to see a larger version on a new page. Click on the link for a downloadable pdf version of Nature Quiz.

Nature Quiz

A small nature quiz for the festive season – answers in January!

  • What do Fly Agaric, the red and white spotty fungi, eat?
  • What are oak apples?
  • Roe deer are crepuscular. When are they most active?
  • How many wood ants can a green woodpecker eat each day?
  • How do Peacock butterflies survive the winter?
  • What is an old country name for a nuthatch?
  • Which insect likes to overwinter in roof spaces and spare rooms?
  • How did earwigs get their name?
  • Name our three native species that hibernate.
  • Why do hoverflies have black and yellow coloured patterns?
  • Which favourite garden bird sings all winter, and why?
  • How many moults does a Mountain Hare have each year, and why?
  • Name our three native deer.
  • What type of antlers do fallow deer have?
  • Which is the most nutritious winter berry for birds?
  • Which member of the Corvid bird family has red legs?
  • What is the winter coat of a stoat called?
  • How can you tell a female and male barn owl apart?
  • How are mistletoe seeds spread?
  • Which 3 native species change their coat/feather colours in winter?
  • Name 5 adaptations reindeer have to help them survive in the cold.
  • Name 3 swans that migrate here, and where have they come from?
  • Name 3 different types of frost.
  • What is thunder snow?
  • Which native tree is the best host for more than 500 other species, and why is it late to lose its leaves?

Click here for a downloadable pdf version of Nature Quiz

© Jan Flamank 1st December 2020. All rights reserved. Images used in the document have been sourced free for use in this social, educational, non-commercial setting

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