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Welcome to

Opening Hours

Mon: 1.00pm - 6.00pm

Wed: 9.00am - 6.00pm

Fri: 1.00pm - 6.00pm

Sat: 9.30am - 12.30pm

NB: we are closed on Bank Holidays

Be a FRIEND of

Stannington Library

Friends of Stannington Library donate a regular amount either every month or every year by standing order. 

Follow this link for more details.

Our brand new March books are waiting to be borrowed.

These are a few of them ...

... click this link to see the 44 brand new books added in March 2025

link to stannington library's online catalogue

Click this link to search all the books in our Yellow Sticker Collection.

The next Tea and Cakes in the Library is on

Saturday 12 April

We have been open as a volunteer-led library for 10 years!

All the Volunteer Libraries in Sheffield have joined together to make a video to celebrate this magnificent achievement.

Follow this link to watch the video and/or read more here.

Our next session is:

27 March 2025

2pm to 3.15pm

Our next session is:

26 March 2025

2pm to 3.15pm

Find out more about BabyTime and StoryTime here ...

Public Computers

at Stannington Library

We have 3 computers available for the public to use. Call in or phone to book a session. This is free to members of the library. Non-members can also use the computers for a small charge.

The computers all have Microsoft Office and access to the Internet, as well as other useful software. There's also some software aimed at our younger library members: Scratch, Kodu and a few other fun programs.

You can print from the computers - A4 Black & White copies cost 10p. Colour, back to back and size A3 are available too - but these cost more.

NB: We do not allow library users to print direct from their own devices. You need to use our computers. Remember to bring your password if you are printing from your email account.


We are very happy to accept donations of Books, DVDs, CDs, Video Games and Jigsaw Puzzles - if they are in good condition, so please keep us in mind when you are having a clear out.

Books should preferably have a bar code on the back, or an ISBN number inside. Please check with the front desk volunteers if you have a large amount of donations or if you are unsure if they are suitable.

STAND was formed in 2013 after Sheffield City Council announced its decision to close sixteen libraries (including Stannington) unless volunteers took them on. STAND was registered as a charity in 2014 and is funded by grants, donations and fund-raising activities. The library is run by a team of dedicated volunteers.