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Stannington Story Festival 2024

Celebrating 10 years of volunteer management in the library!

Many thanks to everyone who attended our Stannington Story Festival. What lovely weather we had! Here's a few photos, and one video, of the day ...

WHERE? - Outside Stannington Library - in the Rose Garden

WHEN? - Saturday 14 September 2024

WHAT TIME? - 1pm to 5pm

There will be poetry, readings, singing, drama and a children's activity. See below for a list of performers and the program of events.

We will also have a second hand book stall, a second hand jigsaw puzzle sale ... and Tea & Cakes in the Library. We hope to see you there!

We will be running our 'usual'

Tea and Cakes in the Library event

on the same afternoon,

with extended hours - 1.30pm to 4.30pm.

We hope to see you there!

These are the acts that will be appearing ... !

Stannington Story Festival 2024

Program of Events

1.25pmBeth Guiver
1.45pmCarmel Page
2.40pmactivity break with CHOL
3.30pmSilje Strand
3.55pmBeth Guiver
4.15pmRay Hearne
4.45pmCarmel Page
STAND was formed in 2013 after Sheffield City Council announced its decision to close sixteen libraries (including Stannington) unless volunteers took them on. STAND was registered as a charity in 2014 and is funded by grants, donations and fund-raising activities. The library is run by a team of dedicated volunteers.