February 9th 2022
Book Browsing Update
- We still require library users to wear a face covering unless exempt.
- We still require library users to sanitise their hands before handling books.
- We still require library users to maintain social distancing.
- We will continue to ventilate the building to maximise good air flow.
- We will continue to monitor how many library users are inside the library and will ask you to wait in the foyer if we are too crowded.
- Our second-hand Bargain Corner is open.
- Our Public Computer is available for booking.
We intend to make more changes from 1st March 2022 if the situation is still improving. This will include allowing returned books to be taken to the counter to be removed from your account straight away.
We sincerely hope that by April 1st 2022 we will be able to move even closer to being ‘back to normal but meanwhile we will also be ready to revert back to previous levels of restrictions should it become necessary.
Thank you for helping us to keep your library safe for everyone.