Stannington Library logo

Stannington Library is fully affiliated with Sheffield Libraries but we also have our own collection of books, The Stannington Library Yellow Sticker Collection, which is maintained on a separate computer system.  We have a combined registration form which gives us all the information needed to register you with Sheffield Libraries and on our own computer system.

There are 3 types of library card: Adult, Child aged 5-16 and Child aged under 5

Children aged 5–16 and children under 5 need a Parent/Carer to apply on their behalf.

Children aged 0-1 years will receive a Bookstart pack as a welcome to the library.

How to Join

You can call into Stannington Library in person

We will ask you to complete our combined registration form which gives us all the information needed to register you with Sheffield Libraries as well as on our own computer system. We issue you with a Sheffield Libraries Library Card and we use the same library card number on our own computer system.

Adults need to bring proof of identity, e.g passport, driving licence, etc. We ask that you give us an email address to be able to contact you, or a phone number. It is still possible to register you if you have no email or phone.

Please be aware that during busy times we may have to ask you to call back later to collect your card.

You can apply to join online 

at .

This link takes you to the Sheffield Libraries registration form which, once completed and the terms agreed, gives you a temporary library card number that allows you to use the e-library. To convert this temporary library card to a full one you need to visit your designated library (you can choose Stannington Library on the application form) to collect your full library card. You will need proof of ID if you are an adult. Details of how to convert your card are sent to you by email. You have 3 months to convert, after which the temporary number will stop working.

When you call in to Stannington Library to convert your card to a full one, we will ask you to complete our registration form so that we can add you to our Yellow Sticker Collection computer system.

When you receive your Sheffield Libraries library card you will also be given a pin number. If you use your card number and pin number to log into the Sheffield Libraries Catalogue, you can manage your account, including renewing and requesting items. Go to:

Sheffield’s eLibrary is available 24/7.  It allows you to borrow books, magazines and audio books on your mobile device or online using a computer. 

Go to or search for Libby on the app store of your device.

Your library card allows you to use the Public Network computers in Sheffield Libraries for free.  Children need permission ticked on their account. Stannington Library has their own Public Computers that are available for use by library members for free. Call in, or ring, to book a session.

Membership of Stannington Library

If you already have a Sheffield Libraries card, we will ask you complete one of our registration forms so that we can add you to our own computer system. We use the same library card for both systems.

Books in The Stannington Library Yellow Sticker Collection are housed on the same shelves as Sheffield Libraries books. They are easily identified by the large bright yellow sticker fixed to the front cover. We use a different computer system to check them out and back in to our collection.

link to stannington library's online catalogue

You can browse our Stannington Library Yellow Sticker Collection at  to see what we have available, but you cannot, as yet, use this system to manage your account or order books. Children’s books in the Stannington Library Yellow Sticker Collection have an additional sticker – our Frankie Fossil mascot.

STAND was formed in 2013 after Sheffield City Council announced its decision to close sixteen libraries (including Stannington) unless volunteers took them on. STAND was registered as a charity in 2014 and is funded by grants, donations and fund-raising activities. The library is run by a team of dedicated volunteers.